Category Archives: Alternative Treatments

Use of massage in asthma

Characteristic sign and symptoms of asthma: Periodic attacks of severe breathlessness, especially at night time and increases with cold. Edgar Allan Poe, author of “Annabel Lee” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” , is easily recognized as one of the foremost masters of horror and the macabre. His works have inspired terror and… Read More »

What is Angioedema Allergy?

What the world is angioedema you might ask. You would think that sinus infections, allergies and asthma would be enough, yet doctors came up with various problems that outline allergies.Doctors believe that this condition is marked by particular drugs, as well as other allergens, such as nuts, eggs, certain fruits, shellfish, and so on. Insect… Read More »

Acupressure Therapy

Acupressure is a branch of “Traditional Chinese Medicine” (TCM) and it is believed to predate Acupuncture by several millenniums. Like Acupuncture, the precise date of its origin is not known.The concept of “Qi” forms the basis of this therapy. According to TCM, “Qi” is the energy force that flows throughout the body along the “Meridians”… Read More »

Natural Acne Treatments

Face becomes our expressive agent for the outer world. Better one takes care of face more advantageous it gets. Ones confidence level also relies on the external appearance. The very thought of “I am looking good” also boosts the confidence level. What kind of art do you like? There are many opportunities to browse art… Read More »